Important Notice: If you have failed your Final Exam, please contact us ASAP at to do the next step: verify your identity, then re-take the course.
AZ Supreme Court Approved

Online Traffic School

Open 24/7 Super Cheap Arizona Affordable Online Traffic School is designed to give you an easy way to take a defensive driving school 100% online! Log in and log out when you please, you won't lose your progress. Need help? We are here for you!

Accepting All Major Credit Cards

Accepting All Major Credit Cards

Why Choose Us

Arizona Supreme Court Approved This course is approved by the AZ Supreme Court to offer Defensive Traffic School in ALL Arizona counties and courts.

100% Online for Your Convenience Log in any time, from any device (PC/MAC, phone or tablet) and take the course at your own pace.

Recommended Our course is highly recommended by others who have evaluated and compared our course.

Free Completion Reporting & Certificate Your course will be reported to the county court electronically and at no additional charge.

Best of ALL Worlds Save money with our low cost affordable online course. Super easy course written by local Arizona Instructors!

Eligibility Requirements:

Quick Eligibility Check
To check if your eligible to take the online course, please fill in the fields below.


Optional Services

Optional fees are not required for the course completion or the certificate. We offer them for your convenience and to ensure you have access to them if needed.

Questions for the court? Visit or call toll-free 1-888-334-5565